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Current Date & Time in Ballarat, Victoria
Friday 14th Feb, 5:12am
Ballarat Garrett Authorised Dealer
Always Wanted: Historic & Antique Goldfields Books, Maps, Reports, Tools & Equipment

Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS)

The Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) allows Australian and overseas passengers to claim back the goods and services tax (GST)… paid on goods bought in Australia.

What are the conditions of the scheme?

Australia’s TRS is different from other refund schemes around the world. To claim a refund in Australia you must meet the following conditions:

Customs has the right to see all goods so it is strongly recommended you carry goods in your hand luggage or your claim may be refused.

For further information Australian Customs can be contacted by the Internet on or email:

Please note the following:

SPECIAL NOTE: Any item sent from The Mining Exchange Gold Shop directly to an overseas address does not include GST (ie the GST amount is not charged), so there is no need to claim it back – provided we send it from The Mining Exchange Gold Shop (GST does apply on the part of postage that occurs within Australia).

This information is accurate at the time of writing but is subject to any change in legislation for the GST.