Natural Gold Nuggets • Nugget Jewellery • Gold Bought & Sold Daily • Gold Crystals • Gallery & Souvenirs | Goldfields Tourism Award Winners

Manufacturers, distributors and retailers
of Gold gifts, Jewellery and Souvenirs
of Gold gifts, Jewellery and Souvenirs
Australian Native Gold Pty Ltd | A.B.N. 88 058 905 418
8a Lydiard St North, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Telephone/Facsimile: +61 3 5333 4242
8a Lydiard St North, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Telephone/Facsimile: +61 3 5333 4242
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Current Date & Time in Ballarat, Victoria
Thursday 13th Mar, 7:24am
Thursday 13th Mar, 7:24am
Always Wanted: Historic & Antique Goldfields Books, Maps, Reports, Tools & Equipment
Gold Carat and Colour
What is the difference between Yellow Gold, Rose Gold and White Gold?
Yellow Gold
An explanation of yellow gold with the features and benefits.
Rose Gold
An explanation of rose gold with the features and benefits.
White Gold
An explanation of white gold with the features and benefits.
Also mention different carating/karating (with an explanation of each term).