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Current Date & Time in Ballarat, Victoria
Wednesday 12th Mar, 10:23pm
Ballarat Garrett Authorised Dealer
Always Wanted: Historic & Antique Goldfields Books, Maps, Reports, Tools & Equipment


Abraded complex gold crystal cluster
Abraded complex gold crystal cluster
A nice natural gold complex gold crystal cluster that has developed well and displays a very small amount of the country rock that it was found in. weight 6.2 grams.
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Birds Nest Wire Gold Crystal Cluster
Birds Nest Wire Gold Crystal Cluster
This is an extremely rare form of native (natural) gold crystal that is about as good as it gets. The fine wires of natural gold interlace like 'worms in a bucket' and are very, very fine. This piece is NOT FOR SALE, but is here for your viewing pleasure. The weight is about 13.8 grams, it does have some native host country rock or material in it. It was found by a metal detector operator in Queensland. It is about 29.6mm from top to base, and about 25.6mm wide. How does Mother Nature make such beautiful and delicate natural 'golds'?
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Gold Crystal - wire gold
Gold Crystal - wire gold
This is a naturally formed wire gold crystal found at Dunnolly in the heart of the Victorian goldfields. It is an amazing piece, As an "L" shape it is approximately 17mm to the bend, overall length is about 23mm, and it about 2.5mm at the widest pint. It weighs 1.4 grams and would display beautifully in any museum or collection.
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natural gold nugget gold crystal (terminated)
natural gold nugget gold crystal (terminated)
This natural gold nugget is a massive single gold crystal that is terminated (has 4 planes that come to a point). The forces of Mother Nature over millions of years have abraded (worn) the edges down, but it is still an amazing gold crystal. weight is 17 grams, length is 19.7mm width 16.2mm and depth of 8.2mm.
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natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
This natural gold nugget is an abraded (worn down by time and earths forces) complex gold crystal cluster. Natural gold crystals are rare! This one weighs 14 grams, length of 17.3mm width of 14.5mm and depth of 9.6mm.
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Natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
Natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
This natural gold nugget is an abraded (worn down by time and earths forces) complex gold crystal cluster. Natural gold crystals are rare! This one weighs 6.2 grams, length of 17.4mm width of 10.2mm and depth of 6.6mm.
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The `Alien` Gold Crystal cluster
The `Alien` Gold Crystal cluster
This nugget was detected in Western Australia. For those who know their rare forms of native gold, this is one of the rarest. Why? Well the whole piece is ONE nugget. That is significant because it combines a 'spine' of juvenile dendretic gold crystals, an 'arm' of tapered fine wire gold (very delecate) and a 'body' of what would generically be considered 'water worn' gold - but it isn't. This one natural nugget demonstrates clearly that the argument of gold that sheds from primary souces (reef and eluvial gold) and gold that 'grows' in the ground (supergene gold) CO-EXIST ie are NOT mutually exclusive. I am expecting some arguments about this. The piece is not for sale, but is here for your viewing pleasure.
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