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Current Date & Time in Ballarat, Victoria
Wednesday 12th Mar, 10:03pm
Ballarat Garrett Authorised Dealer
Always Wanted: Historic & Antique Goldfields Books, Maps, Reports, Tools & Equipment


"The Dragon" Nugget
"The Dragon" Nugget
This natural gold nugget was found near Navarre on the Victorian Goldfields. It has an uncanny resembelence to a 'Dragon' (as displayed). It was found by a hand held metal detector on an old 'patch' that had been 'flogged' and the prospector had to dig about 50cm to recover it. By nature it has sharpe sides indicating minimal wear in the ground (against abrasive sands and rocks) so it must have come from close to the source. It weighs 3.1 grams and is classified as a 'picture nugget' ie a natural nugget that we can recognise a shape that we know. It is about 25mm top to base, 17.2mm wide and about 4.2mm at its deepest depth.
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"The Eagle" Natural Gold Nugget
"The Eagle" Natural Gold Nugget
This nugget resembles a great Eagle, with its head tilted to one side, and wings folded down. It has been cleaned and looks sensational. The weight is 21.1 grams, height 23.5mm width 14mm and depth 8.1mm. The beautiful rich deep colour is typical of the natural high purity of our local native gold nuggets.
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"The Elephant" natural gold nugget
"The Elephant" natural gold nugget
This natural gold nugget resembles a lucky elephant with its trunk held up (to hold onto good fortune). The weight is 5.5 grams, Length 27.6mm width 19.7mm and depth 2.7mm.
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Natural gold nugget
Natural gold nugget
This natural gold nugget would make an ideal pendant. Mother Nature created it and has made this amazing shape. The weight is 16.8grams, height 20.3mm width 11.3mm and depth 7.0mm.
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Natural gold nugget
Natural gold nugget
A lovely natural gold nugget with a weight of 9.5 grams, height of 31.1mm width of 13.6mm and depth of 7.8mm.
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Natural gold nugget
Natural gold nugget
Another possible pendant nugget. Nuggets that are suitable for making into jewellery are very rare. This one is a 'stunner'. The total weight is 9 grams, height is 24.4mm width 11.7mm and depth 5.8 grams. Beautifully presented!
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Natural gold nugget
Natural gold nugget
This natural gold nugget weighs 7.4 grams and has a length of 26mm, a width of 12.6mm and a depth of 7.4mm.
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Natural Gold Nugget
Natural Gold Nugget
A small but beautiful natural gold nugget. Weight is 2.6 grams, width of 19.5mm height of 8.5mm and depth of 2.5mm.
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natural gold nugget gold crystal (terminated)
natural gold nugget gold crystal (terminated)
This natural gold nugget is a massive single gold crystal that is terminated (has 4 planes that come to a point). The forces of Mother Nature over millions of years have abraded (worn) the edges down, but it is still an amazing gold crystal. weight is 17 grams, length is 19.7mm width 16.2mm and depth of 8.2mm.
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natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
This natural gold nugget is an abraded (worn down by time and earths forces) complex gold crystal cluster. Natural gold crystals are rare! This one weighs 14 grams, length of 17.3mm width of 14.5mm and depth of 9.6mm.
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Natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
Natural gold nugget gold crystal cluster
This natural gold nugget is an abraded (worn down by time and earths forces) complex gold crystal cluster. Natural gold crystals are rare! This one weighs 6.2 grams, length of 17.4mm width of 10.2mm and depth of 6.6mm.
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Natural gold nugget.
Natural gold nugget.
A beautiful natural gold nugget, 9.5 grams
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Natural gold nugget.
Natural gold nugget.
A 10.8 gram natural gold nugget. Length of 22.2mm, width 20mm and a maximum depth of 5.4mm.
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Natural gold nugget.
Natural gold nugget.
A nice gold specimen (gold with some of the country rock still attached). The estimated gold content by Specific Gravity testing indicates a gold content of 6.7 grams. Lenght is 26mm, width is 10.5mm and a depth of 5.2mm.
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Natural gold nugget.
Natural gold nugget.
This natural gold nugget was detected and dug out of the 'pipe clay' at Dunnolly in the heart of the Victorian Golden Triangle. It has a wonderful patina, and is sharply defined, meaning that it has not moved far from the reef system it was formed in.
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Natural gold nugget.
Natural gold nugget.
A natural gold nugget with character. Weight is 3.1 grams, Length 21.2mm width 9.6mm and depth of 4.9mm.
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Natural gold nugget.
Natural gold nugget.
This magnificent natural gold nugget is what is sometimes called a 'picture nugget'. If held one way it looks like the island Tasmania, or if held another way it looks like the USA, or if rotated it looks like India. Total weight is 154.8 grams. Length 63.5mm, width 53.7mm and at its deepest it is 12.3mm. A small amount of country stone (quartz) is evident on the 'reverse' side. A truely beautiful natural gold nugget.
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